Foam Insulation in Edmonton has never been easier

When it comes to spray foam insulation, the end justifies the means. Our goal is to offer a service and product that delivers energy savings to the home or building owner, as well as a cost effective process for installation that works within a budget. We carefully evaluate the building’s envelope needs. By using our extensive industry experience and effective technology we can identify key requirements and issues that could arise and how to fix them. Our thermal imaging camera allows us to see through finish materials and see what is really going on. Weaknesses can be fixed, and new installs can be verified.

We bring the very best process to the table. Our self cleaning guns ensure that the job will not be encumbered by downtime. Our installers are protected and prepared to work comfortably in any environment. Last, but not least, it’s about the spray foam itself. We use the best products that produce the best results, on schedule and to specification.

One look at the specifications of spray foam begins to forecast the performance you will enjoy when installed by competent, detail orientated and customer driven installers. Energy savings can reach up to 50%. Thermo is passionate about delivering quality results to the end client. We can measure air tightness, heat loss, and test our own installations to ensure the very best in quality control. Confidence is measurable.